The offer is valid for 30 days. By approving the offer from Contentor, the customer also accepts Contentor’s general terms and conditions. The agreement is generated automatically, immediately after the offer has been confirmed. An offer is not binding unless the customer has provided Contentor with all translation materials, including purpose of use and any other additional services.
Prices are calculated based on volume, complexity, and layout format. Volume is defined as the word count of the source text. All words and number groups, as well as code, are counted as words.
Any amendments to the original source text added after pricing has been agreed upon will be charged separately in accordance with Contentor’s regular price list.
Should the commencement or completion of the project be delayed due to circumstances relating to the customer, or conditions on the part of the customer, Contentor reserves the right to charge any costs incurred by Contentor in relation thereto. Should the commencement or completion of the project be delayed due to circumstances relating to Contentor, the customer is entitled to a price reduction in relation to the delayed portion of the project, in accordance with section “Delivery” below.
Contentor will make all reasonable efforts to ensure timely delivery as agreed. Contentor shall, as soon as possible after becoming aware of any delay, notify the customer, who must agree to the delay for it to be deemed accepted. If the delay is accepted by the customer, the project shall be completed within a reasonable period of time, or other time as agreed upon with the customer. If the customer, due to the delay, chooses to terminate the project, they are entitled to use the completed part of the translations provided payment thereof is made.
Contentor’s liability for delays is limited to a reduction in the price for the relevant project. Contentor, or Contentor’s suppliers and translators shall not, under any circumstances whatsoever, be liable for any damages and/or losses incurred in relation to or as a consequence of a delay on the part of the customer.
The customer must clearly state the purpose/use of the translation when placing the order. If the customer wishes to use the translation for any purpose other than stated in the order, Contentor shall be informed accordingly. If the customer uses a translation for a purpose other than the purpose stated in the order, Contentor is not responsible for the delivered translation. In case of adaptation of a translation for a new purpose, Contentor reserves the right to charge the customer for this work. Should the customer fail to state the purpose of the translation, or if Contentor is unsuccessful in obtaining such information from the customer, Contentor will translate the project in accordance with the purpose it finds most likely.
Should the customer terminate the project due to circumstances not attributable to Contentor, Contentor reserves the right to charge the full agreed price for the project.
Payment terms
Projects spanning less than one (1) month are charged at the completion of the project. Projects spanning longer than one (1) month are charged on a monthly basis. Our term for the payment period is 20 days net.
Credit reports
Regular credit reports are obtained in relation to all orders from new customers. Should a credit report not be accepted by Contentor, or if the customer is a newly established company, the payment terms will be 100% advance payment for all orders. Contentor does not accept orders from private individuals.
Responsibility and guarantee
Contentor is responsible for ensuring that the quality of translations comply with good translation practices, that the work is carried out by experienced translators, and that instructions provided by the customer are complied with.
Contentor’s liability for errors only apply if errors are reported by the customer within a reasonable period of time (however, not later than thirty [30] days from delivery) and only if Contentor has been given the opportunity to correct the errors.
Contentor’s liability is limited to a reduction in the price for the relevant project and can never exceed the agreed price for the relevant project (and can under no circumstances exceed SEK 50,000 excluding VAT per project). Neither Contentor nor Contentor’s suppliers and translators shall, under any circumstances whatsoever, be liable for any damages and/or losses incurred in relation to, or as a consequence of, the use of a translation, proofreading or any other services provided by Contentor.
For projects for which the customer has approved a sample translation or been involved in the selection of a translator, Contentor’s responsibility for delivered material is highly limited and applies only to serious and gross errors. For projects with prices less than SEK 1.39/word, Contentor’s liability is limited to serious and gross errors.
The customer is aware of and accepts that they are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information and materials provided to Contentor under the scope of the agreement and that it does not infringe on third parties’ rights. Consequently, Contentor cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions in delivered or partially delivered projects, arising from errors in the material and information provided by the customer.
Contentor has a liability insurance policy with Länsförskringar Skåne covering SEK one (1) million.
VAT will be added to all prices.
Contentor reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and agrees to notify any customers who may in any way be affected by such changes in advance.
Force Majeure
Neither Contentor nor Contentor’s subcontractors are liable for any damages, delays and/or losses that may arise if Contentor or Contentor’s subcontractors and translators are delayed or unable to deliver the project due to fire, natural disaster, war, mobilisation or unforeseen conscription to military service to similar extent, requisition, seizure, insurgency, riot, or labour dispute.
A party may not, without the written consent of the other party, disclose any information to third parties, about the contents of this Agreement or any circumstances related to the parties’ cooperation under this Agreement. This obligation is also applicable to matters concerning the activities of the other party, which have not been made public. Confidentiality under this Agreement shall apply without a limitation in time and also after this Agreement has expired.
Disputes arising from projects shall be resolved primarily through negotiations between the parties. Should such negotiations be unsuccessful, and no resolution be reached, the dispute shall be settled in court, with the Helsingborg District Court as the first instance.