
“Straight away Contentor left a good and personable impression, and they have been very easy and smooth to work with.” – Anton Hällström, Addnature

Nordic Choice Hotels

“We were looking for a partner who is fast, sharp-eyed and positive, and we found all that in Contentor. They have a fantastic problem-solving mentality and are always fast and reliable.” – Eva Lindewall, Nordic Choice Hotels


“Outsourcing content to Contentor frees up time and space for Gents to take on other tasks. We feel that Contentor takes the customer experience seriously and delivers quality content. They are a partner who cares about us and wants to grow with us.” – Sofie Okstad, Gents.

Footway logo en


“We clicked straight away. Contentor is more personal than sales-focused, and they are good at listening to what we want and need. That style suits us perfectly.” Alexander Åberg, copywriter and content director, Footway.

Rehaboteket Logo


“Contentor has helped us develop our brand in a fast, simple and professional way” – Lisa Hansel, Rehaboteket


“Our cooperation with Contentor can be described in three words: simple, fast and reliable. It has worked very well for us and we are extremely satisfied.” –  Philip Carlsson, Bythjul


“It is obvious for us that our work with Contentor gives our customers the best possible experience” – Jonatan Johansson, NA-KD

Wakakuu logo


“We needed someone who didn’t just insert the right industry terms during translation, but who also had good technical solutions.” – Fredrik Säfsten, CTO Wakakuu

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“Olemme erittäin tyytyväisiä Contentoriin. Asetelma on sujuva ja joustava. Ylipäätään ei ole mitään huonoja asioita.” – Andreas Wedberg, Kaidekauppa



“Contentor has always understood our needs and the best way to write our content. They are flexible with their solutions and easy to work with.” – Filip Klasson,


Partykungen has adopted Contentor’s API. “Our cooperation with Contentor feels secure and simple. Our development teams have worked closely, giving results that we’re very satisfied with.” – Caroliné Johansson, Norway director

TailorStore logo


“Contentor on ymmärtänyt avainsanat, joiden kanssa työskentelemme ja he varmistavat, että lopputulos on aina sama.” – Tobias Lindblom, Marketing Director, Tailor Store.

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